
Financial Performance, National Programme


UN-REDD support to Peru in 2018 focused on assisting the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) to set up a framework for implementing Peru’s National Strategy on Forests and Climate Change (ENBCC). This included contributing to an agreement among stakeholders on the content of the JDI Phase II Implementation Plan; assisting MINAM to set up the JDI Phase II Implementation Plan so that it also contributes to the implementation of the ENBCC; and developing a basis for stakeholder discussions on the overall governance structure of the forest and climate change agenda in Peru, including the ENBCC, JDI Phase II Implementation Plan and LULUCF NDC, among other projects and instruments.


UN-REDD provided support to improve reporting processes such as the greenhouse gas inventory, specifically in the LULUCF sector for the second BUR, as well as reporting processes on the implications of Peru’s FREL for accessing Carbon Fund-resources and for subnational initiatives. As a result, a road map was developed to improve the FREL and the next greenhouse gas inventory. UN-REDD also provided training on SEPAL and Google Earth Engine to MINAM, SERFOR and the National Service of Natural Protected Areas (SERNANP).


In 2018, the national forest and wildlife authority, SERFOR, received legal support from UN-REDD to develop a protocol for defining the organizational structure of the National Forestry and Wildlife Information System (SNIFFS) and its modules, including the forest-cover monitoring module. The road map for integrating the Indigenous-MRV approach, developed in 2017, served as the basis for identifying the specific needs of Amazonian Indigenous peoples’ organizations, and will guide national programme support for integrating the approach into the SNIFFS.


In 2018, Peru made significant progress on the implementation of their Safeguards Road Map. This included the development of a proposal for the national interpretation of safeguards, the identification of participatory processes related to safeguards, the development of considerations and key elements for SIS design and the outline of a table of contents for the SOI. Stakeholder consultations on these outputs included meetings with the Safeguards Expert Group, regional workshops, bilateral meetings with relevant institutions and a national multi-stakeholder workshop.

REDD+ Implementation

The UN-REDD technical assistance delivered in Peru in 2018 contributed to advancing numerous elements of REDD+ implementation, including: the development the Climate Change Law provisions on stakeholder engagement and REDD+ and a political declaration to combat deforestation; the enhancement of Peru’s stakeholder engagement plan and its alignment with the Climate Change Law provisions related to civil society engagement; support for assessing the alternatives for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and their implications; details of LULUCF NDC measures for NDC implementation; the enhancement of the greenhouse gas inventory for the LULUCF sector; and support for defining the SNIFFS protocol that will facilitate coordination among government entities and stakeholders for the management of forest monitoring information in prioritized areas for REDD+ implementation.

In coordination with the execution of Peru’s JDI, UN-REDD also supported progress towards defining an implementation framework for the ENBCC and PAMs, including: input to stakeholder dialogues to agree on the content of the JDI Phase II Implementation Plan; technical sessions to adjust the JDI Phase II Results Framework so that it aligns with both JDI and ENBCC objectives; input to inform decision-making on forest and climate change governance structures, financial mechanisms for REDD+ and other issues; assistance for the implementation of prioritized PAMs; and support to develop a portfolio of productive bankable initiatives along the value chains for coffee, cocoa and sustainable forest management.

Challenges and Solutions

In 2018, the national REDD+ process faced some challenges due to a national discussion and review of the political views and priorities on the forest–climate nexus and its related development issues. This resulted in delays in implementing the national programme and necessary adjustments to the delivery of UN-REDD technical assistance. Regular interaction with government counterparts enabled priorities, approaches and timelines to be successfully adjusted so that the national process could advance with a renewed focus and UNREDD technical assistance could continue to offer value to the country.

Gender and Social Inclusion

Based on the lessons learned from a UN-REDD-supported capacity-building programme on REDD+, tailored to indigenous peoples (where gender considerations were identified and integrated), specific gender-responsive elements have been integrated into the design of Peru’s national programme during its inception phase. For example, at meetings in the Amazon region to narrow down the scope of the national programme, priority was given to the views of indigenous women, particularly in the context of linking the indigenous approach to forest monitoring to the NFMS. Additionally, guidance was provided to the Government on how to strengthen the gender approach within the proposed Climate Change Law regulation and the 2018–2020 Stakeholder Participation Plan.

Regarding social inclusion, UN-REDD supported the Government to maintain an open dialogue with relevant stakeholders on issues related to forests and climate change. The forum created for this purpose, Dialoguemos, was used as the main platform for discussing issues related to UN-REDD support. Similarly, when providing inputs on the governance structure for the forests and climate change agenda, or on the Climate Change Law regulation, UN-REDD supported means for the effective participation of all relevant stakeholders. Finally, as in the design phase, the implementation of Peru’s UN-REDD national programme endeavoured to ensure the participation of relevant stakeholders from the Government and civil society, including indigenous peoples.


In 2018, support for developing the JDI Phase II Implementation Plan provided an opportunity to accompany the Government of Peru in its efforts to ensure that all initiatives related to forests and climate change are mapped out and aligned with the objectives of the ENBCC and the JDI. In this context, the draft governance structure for forests and climate change includes a specific subcommittee that will focus on the coordination and alignment of relevant projects and programmes in the country. Although there is no formal partnership agreement, the fact that the governance structure has pre-identified a platform to ensure coordination is a step forward.

Linkages to SDGs

In addition to SDG 13 (particularly targets 13.2, 13.3 and 13.B) and SDG
15 (targets 15.2 and 15.9), UN-REDD in Peru contributes to: SDG target 1.4, through supporting the implementation of Peru’s JDI work on indigenous peoples’ land-titling; SDG target 4.7, by including sustainable development in capacity-building programmes on forest and climate change; SDG targets 5.1 and 5.5, by taking concrete action to actively engage women in national programme and technical assistance activities, i.e. designing capacity-building activities in a gender-sensitive manner and capturing women’s voices on needs for capacity-building; SDG targets 16.6 and 16.10, through promoting transparency and access to information, i.e. through the work on NFMS and safeguards; and SDG target 16.7, through support for participatory spaces and governance.

This report is made possible through support from Denmark, Japan, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain, Switzerland and the European Union.